Fitness & Nutrition Coach
People invest way too much money to have a personal trainer work with them. At the low end they charge $30 a session. You may meet twice per week? 4 weeks in a month…that’s $240! We feel that’s unnecessary. Your personal trainer, Fitness & Nutrition Coach if you will, is included with your gym membership investment!
When you join and invest, you will have the opportunity to get taught how to eat, cardio and lift weights correctly. Your Fitness & Nutrition Coach will also run through the actual workouts with you just like a personal trainer does. We take all the beneficial aspects of the personal trainer and merge them together with an affordable gym membership.
Habits Fitness Academy is more than a gym. Our goal is to teach you how to look better in a swimsuit and help you do it! “Stop doing it wrong. Start doing it right.”
The HFA Difference
Explore our member benefits and you will quickly learn why we’re not the typical gym. Get started earning the results you want today!