BIAS Challenge
Our mission is to teach you how to look Better In A Swimsuit and help you do it! When we can change our Habits we can change our Figure. When we can change our Figure we can change our Life! We want you to WIN!
WINNING requires “Doing certain things in certain ways everyday.” In other words, when we can “Deal in Specifics and work on Commitments” we give ourselves the best opportunity to WIN. After joining, we recommend getting serious about looking Better In A Swimsuit by starting a BIAS Program and attaching an Accountability Program to it. The easiest way to do this is by officially entering personal 12-week BIAS Challenges. Get routine starting and ending body fat assessments, take before and after photos, and choose the BIAS “specifics” you are ready to “commit” to. Then, start playing and competing against yourself. Accountability will be built in automatically!
Get serious about joining a lower Body Fat % Club while at the same time turning your fat into cash, investing less and EARNING your better look in a swimsuit!
The HFA Difference
Explore our member benefits and you will quickly learn why we’re not the typical gym. Get started earning the results you want today!